Can You Use A Phone Charger To Charge A Laptop

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Can You Use a Phone Charger to Charge a Laptop?

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to stay connected. Our laptops and phones are our lifelines to work, school, and friends and family. So when one of these devices dies, it can be a major inconvenience. If you’re in a pinch, you may be wondering if you can use a phone charger to charge your laptop. The answer is: it depends.

The type of charger you need for your laptop depends on the wattage of its power supply. Most laptops require a charger with a wattage of 60 watts or more. Phone chargers, on the other hand, typically have a wattage of 5 watts or less. This means that a phone charger is not powerful enough to charge most laptops.

USB-C Chargers: A Notable Exception

There is one exception to this rule: USB-C chargers. USB-C chargers are a newer type of charger that is becoming increasingly common. USB-C chargers can deliver up to 100 watts of power, which is enough to charge most laptops.

If you have a USB-C laptop, you can use a USB-C phone charger to charge your laptop. However, it’s important to note that not all USB-C chargers are created equal. You can buy USB-C power banks or high-wattage chargers, m to safely charge your laptop. Some USB-C chargers are only capable of delivering 15 watts of power. Therefore, it’s important to check the wattage of your USB-C charger before using it to charge your laptop.

What Happens if You Use a Phone Charger to Charge a Laptop?

If you use a phone charger to charge a laptop that requires more than 5 watts of power, the laptop will not charge. The laptop may even turn off or go into sleep mode. In some cases, using a phone charger to charge a laptop can damage the laptop’s battery.

If you’re not sure whether your phone charger is powerful enough to charge your laptop, it’s best to err on the side of caution and use the laptop’s original charger. If you only have a phone charger available, you can try using it to charge your laptop for a short period of time. However, it’s important to monitor the laptop’s battery level and stop charging as soon as the battery is full.

Tips for Charging Your Laptop

Here are a few tips for charging your laptop:

  • Use the laptop’s original charger whenever possible.
  • If you’re using a USB-C charger, make sure that it’s capable of delivering enough power to charge your laptop.
  • Don’t overcharge your laptop. Once the battery is full, unplug the charger.
  • If you’re not going to be using your laptop for an extended period of time, store it with the battery partially discharged (around 50%).

Expert Advice

In addition to the tips above, here’s some expert advice on charging your laptop:

“Always use the original charger that came with your laptop. Third-party chargers may not be compatible with your laptop and could damage the battery.”

– Apple Support

“If you’re using a USB-C charger to charge your laptop, make sure that the charger is capable of delivering enough power. You can check the wattage of your charger on the charger’s label.”

– Dell Support


Q: Can I use a phone charger to charge my laptop?

A: It depends on the wattage of your laptop’s power supply. Most laptops require a charger with a wattage of 60 watts or more. Phone chargers typically have a wattage of 5 watts or less, so they are not powerful enough to charge most laptops.

Q: What happens if I use a phone charger to charge a laptop?

A: If you use a phone charger to charge a laptop that requires more than 5 watts of power, the laptop will not charge. The laptop may even turn off or go into sleep mode. In some cases, using a phone charger to charge a laptop can damage the laptop’s battery.

Q: What are some tips for charging my laptop?

A: Here are a few tips for charging your laptop:

  • Use the laptop’s original charger whenever possible.
  • If you’re using a USB-C charger, make sure that it’s capable of delivering enough power to charge your laptop.
  • Don’t overcharge your laptop. Once the battery is full, unplug the charger.
  • If you’re not going to be using your laptop for an extended period of time, store it with the battery partially discharged (around 50%).


So, can you use a phone charger to charge a laptop? The answer is: it depends. If you have a USB-C laptop, you can use a USB-C phone charger to charge your laptop. However, it’s important to note that not all USB-C chargers are created equal and you need to be sure the charger provides enough wattage to charge your laptop. If you have a laptop that requires more than 5 watts of power, you cannot use a phone charger to charge your laptop. Using a phone charger to charge a laptop that requires more than 5 watts of power can damage the laptop’s battery.

Is there anything else you’d like to know about charging laptops? Let us know in the comments below!

Can I use a USB-C laptop charger to charge my phone? - Charger Universe

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